Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rest is a weapon

(After this "Reset" journey that so many of you all are in, we will move further in our book. I don't want us to feel like we have to juggle 2 journeys as the same time.) For those of you in need of rest, you may want to read further...

Have you ever had a time where you were completely exhausted - almost burned out? Not just physically but mentally as well? That was me earlier this week. I was not sure what to do with myself. I found myself all balled up, hiding under a blanket. That is a posture you may want to pay attention to. It is not too often I hide in the fetal position. I started to beat myself up and say "What kind of person hides like this?" Yes, I had a lot going on in the last week but I was surprised the level of exhaustion I was feeling. After a day of going through the motions, because how many of us with our busy lives can just stay put on the couch, I started to ask the Lord, "What is going on?" All I heard was "RETREAT" I knew exactly what He meant. I knew it wasn't the noun "retreat." He was telling me to "retreat," the verb. I know many of us don't give ourselves permission to rest. Our society looks down upon it. I remembered some great words I had heard from Graham Cooke a few years back. "Rest is a weapon."

So guess what I did. I did not get all the laundry done. I did not get all my design work done. My family ate frozen Trader Joes meals for a few nights. (thank God for Trader Joes!) and luckily my appointments I had previously made did not show up. At one point, I sat there waiting for my appointment to come and in the stillness of waiting, I just sat there - not getting one thing accomplished - just watching people walk by. (I kind of felt like John watching the rain on his porch - remember that story) I have to tell you - it felt great. After a few days of slowing down and resting, I felt my life start to matter again. I felt like I wanted to be a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, an artist, etc. Today I feel alive and hopeful. I am so glad God gave me permission to "retreat" - to pull back and rest. If He says it is OK to retreat, I guess it is more than OK to do so. Thank you Jesus!

It reminds me of our book. Slow down, ask small questions and listen. Keep practicing. Here are some thoughts from the book on rest.

"Now, rest is just one of the ways we receive the life of God. We stop, set it all down, and allow ourselves to be replenished. This is supposed to happen regularly. I think the original prescription was weekly. So why does rest feel like a luxury? Seriously, it feels irresponsible. We think we can drive ourselves like oxen fifty weeks a year, resurrect in a two-week vacation, then go back and do it all again. This is madness. My pushing and striving cuts me off from the life I so desperately need. I don’t even think to stop and ask, Is this what you’d have me do, Lord? Do you want me to paint the bathroom? Volunteer at church? Stay late at work?
How often do you stop and rest, truly rest? "

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